Fun at the County Fair

I can't believe it's the middle of October!
The days seem to go by too quickly. I find myself just going through my day trying to get all those chores done, but days like this remind me to stop and just enjoy the day. 
So on my TO DO LIST:
Stop worring about all the little stuff.
Have fun!
Get Pumpkins to carve with the kids. FUN!
Get the halloween costumes togeghter. FUN!
Paint, Paint, Paint, FUN!
Oh, how I mis painting. It has been to long.
I need to make it a priority again.
What is on your to do list?
Do you also feel you always have to much to do?
Do you get caught up in all the little things?
I know I do and  need reminders to just enjoy the day.
Well this is a reminder to you to have fun, enjoy and create.
Days go by too fast not to. 

Diane Ackers2 Comments