A new direction with my art?
OK I know it been awhile since I wrote, sorry. I really don't know where time has gone..
I've been very busy....I've been working on redecorating my house.. a month or so ago I received my better Homes & Garden magazine the April issue. In it was a living room make over. They showed an all brown & tan living room. It reminded me of my living room. I started thinking I need some color in my life.
I loved the curtians in the make over, so thats where I started....
I actually found the same material and made curtians. Love them....
I rearranged the furinture& got new lamps.
I still need pillows & throws & accesories to help lighten up the room.
And I still need art work for my walls.
Which got me thinking.....about my art.
As I mention before I took an ecourse with Misty Mawn.
By the way it was a wonderful e-course, if you every get the chance to take a class with Misty I highly recommend it.
She gave us alot of different assignments to do during the course. One of the assignment was to make different collages. I really had fun with this assignment. I remenber making collages in school & enjoying it.
So I decided to make a painting using collage for my living room.
Two green parrots.
I'm pretty happy with the finished painting.
It's funny how something like redecorting a room in my house has started a new direction in my art.
Here is the collage painting.
Please give me your honest opinion..
What do you think?
I'm looking for other art to put on my walls.
Do you have a favorite artist on Etsy that may have something that would look nice in my new room?
I would love for you to share their shops link with me.