RING IN 2012 with a GIVEAWAY!
i can't believe 2011 is over. where did it go?
i started thinking about all i planned on doing with my art in 2011.
did i accomplished all i had planned......NO
but instead of being upset with myself i remembered all i had accomplished.
i've learned & grown & even was published!!
that makes me feel good...
now to start planning for 2012...
i plan on taking my art business serious
like a real job- making it a priority
to work on my art business everyday
to blog more often (on a schedule even.......)
i cringes as i write this hoping by writing it here will make me stick to it
i really really plan on it
well and getting a laptop for Christmas should help :)
i still need to figure out the best way to have photos on my laptop & computer
so any suggestions would be helpful
so don't think about what you didn't accomplish in 2011
what you did accomplish that you are proud of?
what are your plans for the new year?
share with me in the comments for a chance to win this aceo card
i will draw at the end of the month
Good Luck & Happy New Year!